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The Examinations’ Department consists of Mr C. Devlin (Examinations Officer) and Dr C. McLaughlin (Assistant Examinations Officer) as well as administrative and clerical support. The information on the school’s website provides candidates and parents/guardians with a guide through the examination process. This information should allow candidates and parents/guardians to make informed choices and understand the examination process better and provides an important reference point throughout the course of the year.

While every effort is made to ensure that the information and advice offered on the school’s website is correct, given the complexities of the examination function, candidates and parents/guardians are advised to check specific details with the relevant examination bodies’ websites and with the school’s examinations officer Mr C. Devlin.

Advice to Pupils

& Timetables

Exam Seasons

& Entries Dates

Access Arrangements

& Special Considerations

Post Result 

Services & Remarks

Subjects Offered

Cashing In & Resits

Issuing of Results 

& Appeals

Controlled Assessments 

& Coursework


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