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Departmental Aims

The Physical Education Department aims to maintain and stimulate pupil interest and enjoyment in P.E. and to promote health and fitness for current and future lifestyles.  By enabling pupils: -


  • To see PE as a major feature in our lives related to leisure, employment and culture.

  • Appreciate its role as part of a wider body of knowledge and skills, e.g. interpersonal and problem solving skills.

  • To use safe practice and to appreciate its importance in P.E.

  • To understand the short and long term effects of exercise on the body.

  • To understand the role of exercise in a fit and healthy lifestyle.


Mrs R Campbell (HoD)

Miss M Conwell

Mrs C Quinn

Miss J Foy

Key Stage 3 & 4 Physical Education

The PE curriculum in Dominican College follows the requirements of the Revised Curriculum for Northern Ireland.


At key stage 3 the activities followed are: -









Couch to 2 K

At key stage 4 the activities followed are: -






Step aerobics



Fitness Suite Activities

Couch to 2 K

At each key stage in non-exam PE the classes vary in size from 18 to 20.  Each year group from year 8-12 are allocated 3 classes of 50 minutes of PE per 2-week timetable throughout the year.


At an extra-curricular level, the following activities are offered: -


Netball- recreational


Athletics (cross country

and track and field)


Gaelic football


Fitness Suite Activities

CCEA Physical Education

The Physical Education course aims to enable the student to experience many aspects related to both participation and understanding.  The content includes the development and application of the knowledge, skills and understanding of physical education through selected practical activities.  Pupils will develop their knowledge and understanding of the different factors that affect participation and performance.  They will understand the role of rules and conventions in selected activities and promote their understanding of the health benefits and risks associated with taking part in physical activity. 

Syllabus Content:


Component 1: Factors Underpinning Health and Performance


Pupils will study how the body systems work, how to maintain good health and how lifestyle decisions can affect health. Pupils will also study the active leisure industry.


Component 2: Developing Performance


Pupils will study physical fitness and its importance for health and for efficient and effective performances in physical activities and sports.  Pupils will learn how to plan effective training programme to develop physical fitness.


Component 3: Individual Performances in Physical Activities and Sports


Pupils must perform three physical activities or sports.





Written Papers (50%)


Component 1: This component is assessed in a 1 hour 15-minute written examination worth 25% of the overall GCSE qualification.


Component 2: This component is assessed in a 1 hour 15-minute written examination worth 25% of the overall GCSE qualification.


Practical (Controlled Assessment) (50%)


Component 3: Pupils must perform three physical activities or sports.  Pupils will also be assessed on their ability to analyse and evaluate the quality of performances of the skills, strategies, tactical or compositional principles used in physical activities or sports.  Pupils will be asked to analyse their own and other’s performances and communicate their findings throughout the course.

Pearson BTEC LEVEL 3 National Extended Certificate in Sport

BTEC Nationals are assessed using a combination of internal assessments, which are set and marked by teachers, and external assessments which are set and marked by Pearson:


  • mandatory units have a combination of internal and external assessments

  • all optional units are internally assessed.


Syllabus Content:


Unit 1 Anatomy and Physiology

  1. The effects of exercise and sports performance on the skeletal system.

  2. The effects of exercise and sports performance on the muscular system.

  3. The effects of exercise and sports performance on the respiratory system.

  4. The effects of sport and exercise performance on the cardiovascular system.

  5. The effects of exercise and sports performance on the energy systems.

Unit 2 Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being


  1. Examine lifestyle factors and their effect on health and well-being.

  2. Understand the screening processes for training programming.

  3. Understand programme-related nutritional needs.

  4. Examine training methods for different components of fitness.

  5. Understand training programme design.


Unit 3 Professional Development in the Sports Industry


  1. Understand the career and job opportunities in the sports industry.

  2. Explore own skills using a skills audit to inform a career development action plan.

  3. Undertake a recruitment activity to demonstrate the processes that can lead to a successful job offer in a selected career pathway.


Unit 5 Application of Fitness Testing


  1. Understand the principles of fitness testing.

  2. Explore fitness tests for different components of fitness.

  3. Undertake evaluation and feedback of fitness test results.




Externally assessed Twice a year in January and May/June

Unit 1 Anatomy and Physiology

Unit 2 Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being


Internally assessed

Unit 3 Professional Development in the Sports Industry

Unit 5 Application of Fitness Testing




• Physical Education Teacher

• Sports Lecturer

• Sports Scientist

• Physiotherapist

• Sports Administrator

• Sports Journalism

• Leisure Management

• Personal Trainer

• Health and Fitness Consultant

• Sports Development

• Sports Injuries

• Professional Sport

Extra-curricular Activities

Sport provides a means whereby the physical, social and moral development of the pupils can be channelled. The specific aims are as follows:


  • To help the pupils reach the optimum development of physical fitness and wellbeing.

  • To contribute to the pupils emotional and social wellbeing and to develop social confidence.

  • To give pupils the opportunity to share the values of sport both as players and spectators.

  • To develop values such as loyalty, integrity and tolerance towards each other, their school and community.

  • To enable pupils, without discrimination, to meet each other in play situations.

  • To provide challenge, excitement and adventure in life.

  • To help pupils acquire and assimilate knowledge concerning physical activity, diet, hygiene and personal appearance.

  • Through knowledge and experience the pupil will develop a genuine interest in sport and be encouraged to continue with an active role in sport during adult life.

  • To ensure the awareness of safety within the physical activity and to underline the responsibility of respect for people and equipment.


Activities available are: -


Netball- recreational


Athletics (cross country

and track and field)


Gaelic football


Fitness Suite Activities

Educational visits

The department organises an annual ski trip to Europe.  Here the pupils can experience a different culture while learning the new skill of skiing.


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